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Strategic Consulting

Training the Board and the Audit Committee

Essentials: Training can be shorten when answering definite "Yes":

  1. The implemented systems Risk Management, Internal Control, and Internal Audit match the requirements (8. EU-rule, national regulations, SOX).
  2. Organisational negligence is reduced by all necessary measures and procedures?
  3. Quartely and annual results are questioned and answered in depth.
  4. Risks and opportunities of the business model are discussed on a regular basis with senior management.
  5. There is a whistler blower process in place.
  6. Compliance organisation fulfills all legal requirements.
  7. The list of issues to be discussed in the boardroom before decision taken is updated on a yearly basis.
  8. ...

Consulting fees will be lessen with a rising amount of "Yes":

  1. The Board got knowledge about COSO ERM ( COSO II).
  2. Requirements for a disclosure committee are well known.
  3. Requirements for an audit committee are well known.
  4. Risks of a high percentage of intangible assets are known.
  5. There is financial professional proficiency in evaluating assets with cash generating units (CGU).
  6. Main Differences in recognizing assets and debts between national rules and IFRS/ IAS are known.
  7. ...