Your success is our benchmark


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Strategic Consulting


Essentials: risks arising from an acquisition increase with the amount of answering "Yes":

  1. Is the business area new in which the acquired company does business?
  2. Is the country new in which the acquired company has his headquarter?
  3. Are the revenues that are to be acquired higher than 10%, 25%,50% or more than 50% of the actual revenues?
  4. Will be the the quota of own capital fall below 25%, 20%, 15% or below 10% after acquisition?
  5. Did the company to be acquired come lately or was checked for long?
  6. Are there any substantial deviations between statements before and results after financial due diligence?
  7. Are there any substantial deviations between statements before and results after cultural due diligence?
  8. Are there any substantial deviations between statements before and results after legal due diligence?
  9. ...

Consulting Topics: Consulting costs will rise when the acquisition project is not prepared well!

  1. Is there any experienced-in-acquisition staff of the buyer?
  2. Is the acquisition deducted from strategic considerations of market and company analysis?
  3. Does the Board support the project?
  4. Are the company attorneys familiar with acquisition projects?
  5. Is the principal bank able to finance the deal?
  6. Is there professional staff to work fulltime for the deal?
  7. Are the expectations of the company staff to be acquired positive?
  8. ...